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Model #:3JC0280000

F1 HEPA Filter

F1 HEPA Filter

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Product Description

Traps 99.97% of dust and pollen down to 0.3 microns. Slightly tapered: 3.25\" in diameter at the bottom, 2.75\" in diameter at the top. Replace every 3 to 6 months.

Part number 3JC0280000 is compatible with models M087900, M087600B, M088175, M085845RED, M088525B, M086935CA, UD40235HD, M088175TT, M085840HD, M085525, M088990HD, M088300SC, M088162HD, M088520ST, M085845RDI, M088400BK, M088700, R088300, M088150, M088525, M085830, M086930CA, M088800, M086700WCA, M088705, M086935, M087900QVC, M088450B-1, M088105, M086935ST, UD40330, M087900SV, M091800HD, UD40090, M088150CA, M085845, MHDU300, M088160HD, M088805, M088155, M085810, M087800, M086935SV, M088161HD, MHDU200, M088160BHD, M088905, M088100, M087700, M091600, M088100W, M088300CA, M086940K, UD40135, M091700, M086930, R087800, M088400, M087800W, M091750, M088110, UD40235, M088520, M087500CA, UD40130, M091950A, M088160RED, UD40140, R088100, M087900CA, MRY6100, M087500, M085800, R086700, M086935K, M088520CA, M085835, M088700B, M086935B, M085830T, M086700, UD40235DI, M087800CA, M088300B, M088520SV, M088115, M088160, M088525BK, M088300, M088400B, M086940, M088400B-1, M085806, M086700W, M088300GC, M088100CA, M088160RHD, M088110HD, M088450B, M088900, M086935RC, M085805.

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  • Product Name F1 HEPA Filter Web Item Category ACCESSORIES-AND-PARTS Web Item Subcategory FILTERS